Saturday, 5 April 2014

6 Tips for growing hair!

I'm so sorry about not posting, but flu and hay fever took over my life and stopped me from doing anything except sleeping:(.

So i got requested to do a post about hair, and helping it to grow. I am going to admit it now, when it comes to hair, I'm really bad at keeping mine healthy and protecting it against everything, blah blah blah... but i do know some really good and useful tips to boost its growth and maintain its healthiness:)


Its common that people might skip this step, as they think that its just an old wives tale that having a healthy balanced diet will help your hair growth, well I'm here to tell you this: its not. 
Eating foods that are rich with omega 3, vitamin D and protein helps the hair become stronger, meaning it wont break whilst brushing, which means no split ends. 


  You can purchase vitamins from anywhere, where ever you live. I highly recommend 'Hair Skin and Nails' vitamins, because it's basically a gift sent from the angels. There are different types of tablets you can get, and they all come in different shapes and sizes if you're not that comfortable with swallowing tablets just yet:).

Back away from the brush!

If you can help it, don't use brushes. Use combs or 'shower combs' (this just means the bristles are further apart so you can comb in the shower), this way, you wont be ripping out your hair and causing damage and split ends.


Everyone should know that blow-dryers/hairdryers, straighteners, curlers, wavers, crimpers and anything else that's heated should stay well away from your hair unless you use a good heat protectant. I recommend the Boots Style Works Heat Protect Serum from Boots, which you can buy here, because its good quality, and cheap as well, so an all rounder:).

Hair Masks

Hair masks can be made at home or in a hairdressers, and can be used to bring strength and shine to your hair, making it feel healthy as well as being healthy. You can use hair masks whenever you want, as many times a week as you feel you need, and the use of ingredients such as lemon can make your hair smell citrusy and fresh. 

Trim Your Hair

Its said that you should trim your hair every 6-8 weeks to keep it from split ends and damage, this can be done at home or at a hair dressers, just make sure its regularly!

If you have an idea or a question you would like me to feature in my blog, you can email me at or any of my social links on my Contact page:)

TQ xo

1 comment:

  1. thank you, been wanting my hair longer for ages now
