Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Simple Vital Vitamin Foaming Cleanser | Review

I currently have an issue, which is that i hardly ever do reviews. I did one on the Collection Concealer which you can find here, but that was mainly me rambling on about the fact that i was nearly labelled a mental person skipping around Boots... but here is a proper review that i hope everyone finds helpful and... enjoyable? (if you find reading reviews about face cleanser enjoyable... whatever tickles your pickle).

I don't expect many readers to own many 'Simple' products, as the name can be seen as cheap, and of course, it isn't the absolute BEST cleanser there is in the world. 
I first heard about this product whilst reading an article on Beautiful Smudges which can be found here (great blog run by a lovely owner). I used to own quite alot of Simple products when I was a tad bit younger, but the name had gone out of fashion since then, and it wasn't as popular as it used to be. So when i found her article, i read that it wasn't the best, but also wasn't the worst, and at a good cost. So i decided to invest (£3.75 in a knock-off Boots shop... bargain!?!). 

As you can see (or can't see because I've just noticed I've cut the top of the photo off- great), the product has a pump instead of a cap, which you pump twice onto the tips of your fingers. It feels quite soft and melty on your face, and as i found out, 2 squirts can go a loooong way.
It says on the packaging added moisturizers as well as 2 vitamins and 3 'skin loving ingredients. Now as anyone knows, products that have the added moisturizer can sometimes make all the difference to whether your skin agrees with what you're using, but as i experienced, i do still need to moisturize after using this, as i found my face was a bit stiff.

Cleaning wise, this product does a fantastic job for me, as now on the school days, i haven't got as much makeup on, so that means not as much to take off. However, if you have quite greasy skin or very greasy T-zones (like me... bit grim, i know) then this product will eliminate the grease immediately and make your face feel fresh and clean. 
It contains Glycerin, which is the added moisture, and chamomile which is to stop/prevent the dryness and itchiness of your face, so really, there are some really good ingredients that could actually help your face, and at £3.75, ill think you agree that it was well worth it.

TQ xo

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